The King James Version of the Bible
(and Its Controversies)

This page covers the controversies that surround the King James Version of the Bible. Links to other KJV sites are provided.

Background Information

The background to the KJV controversies centers around a range of issues. There are a wide range of view on the KJV. At one extreme are the "KJV Only" advocates which make a range of claims about the KJV to the most extreme that the KJV was an inspired translation (or reconstruction) of the originals and is the only version that English speaking people should use. These advocates hold that the 1611 A. D. dated version is the only KJV that should be used.

On the other end there are others that insist that the KJV uses obsolete language and is actually an impediment to knowledge of the Word of God. They typically paint the KJV crowd as "KJV-only" and tend to attack the arguements of the more extreme positions.

Pro-King James AV1611 Web Pages

There are a number of resources available on the web defending the KJV.

Anti-King James AV1611 Web Pages

Pro-KJV Books

Some of these books are explicitly pro-KJV, and some of them are implicitly pro-KJV.

"Anti"-KJV Books

Many of these books are not actually anti-KJV, but are also not defenders of the KJV version.

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This page contains personal opinion and commentary
on the King James Version Controversy.
Last Updated 1-4-97

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