2 Tim 2:15 Study to show thyself approved unto God,
a workman that needeth not to be ashamed,
rightly dividing the word of truth.
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Pre-existence of Jesus
Messianic expectations 4 BC and other first century "Christs"
Cultic theories
Christian position
Human Ancestry
Old Testament genealogies Jesus at end
His hereditary right to be King of Israel
Virginal Conception of Jesus
Role of the Holy Spirit
Role of Mary (Theotokos)
Mother of God?
Role of Joseph/paternity claims
Roles of other relatives/John the Baptist
Jewish claims
Historical Records of the Life of Jesus
Gospels 3 + 1
Comparable historical people contemporary records
Early Church Writers
Birth of Jesus
Christmas and Dec 25th
Naming of Jesus
Humble beginnings
Betrothal v. marriage
Wise Men
Little Drummer Boy? Other cultural urban legends
Death of the Sons/Herod
About Bethlehem
Circumcision/dedication of Jesus
Resources: Raymond E. Brown, "The Birth of the Messiah"
Youth of Jesus
Flight to Egypt (Moses parallels)
Life in Nazareth
Visit to Jerusalem at 12 self-perception
Did Jesus visit Britain, India, North America?
Temptation by Satan
Wedding at Canaan
Way paving ministry of John the Baptist
Half-Brothers and Half-sisters of Jesus (Perpetual Virginity of Mary?)
Calling of Jesus
Age at calling about 30 years
Adoptionism rejected
Baptism of Jesus
Role of John the Baptist
Role of God the Father
Names/Titles of Jesus during His lifetime
Ministry of Jesus
Geography of Israel and the life of Jesus
Roman Rulership worldwide
Hostile territories
Friendly territories
Status of Galileans
Parties at the time
Other Gentiles
Christians as a new party?
The Apostles
Callings of the Apostles
Relatives, prior relationships?
Previous vocations of Apostles
Fishermen, tax collectors, publicans
Seventy others also
The harvest metaphore
We could not heal this one
Down to twelve then zero at the end
Cost of discipleship
Role of women
Jesus as Wisdom, Servant, Prophet, Priest and King
Ministry to Women
Ministry to Children
Ministry to Gentiles
Faith of Gentiles
Healing of Gentiles
Preaching to Gentiles
OT relationship to Gentiles
Overlapping Ministry of John the Baptist
Claims of Jesus about Himself
Testimony of God the Father and The Holy Spirit
Testimonies of other people
Teachings of Jesus
Worldview of Jesus
Authoritative teaching style
Claims of Jesus about God
Claims of Jesus about others
Public/private distinction
Themes of teachings
Brotherhood of man
Parables of Jesus
Purpose of using parables
Categories of parables
Hard Words of Jesus
Moses / Jesus parallels in ministry
Questions by scribes, Pharisees, and Saducees
Relationship of Jesus to OT Law
Corn eating by Apostles
Healings on the Sabbath
The ten commandments affirmed or repealed?
Teachings of Jesus on the Holy Spirit
Important textual variants
Ending of Mark
Woman caught in adultery John 8
Preaching of Jesus
Categories of healings
Raising the dead as special case of healing (picture)
Faith based
Sovereign Grace based
Casting out of demons
Forgiveness of sins
Misc Miracles
Curse of the tree
Stilling the wind
Feeding of 4000 or 5000?
Walking on the water
Relationship of Jesus and the Temple
Cleansing of the temple
Temple as His Body, His Body as Temple
Temple taxes and Jesus
Spiritual Disciplines of Jesus
Prayer life
Money for the poor
Lords Supper and Baptism ordinances to church (Picture)
Reactions of other people
Family members
Death of Jesus
Triumphal Entry
Lords Supper commemorative event?
Plots to kill Jesus
Previous attempts to kill Jesus
His own death was forseen by Jesus response of Apostles
Denial by closest friends
The prosecutions case
His defense
False witnesses
Barabbas and substitutionary death
Road to the cross
At the cross
Soldiers, standersby, relatives
Mary, Mary, Mary?
Giving of His mother to John
Last Words
Resource: AT Robertson, "Harmony of the Gospels"
Resurrection of Jesus
Between cross and resurrection
Appearances of Jesus
Reconciling the disparate Gospel accounts of the resurrection
Dont touch me
Resources: John Wenham, "The Easter Enigma". Norman Geisler, "In Defense of the Resurrection".
Present Day Ministry of Jesus
Warnings about the present age from Jesus
False teachers
False prophets
Ascension of Jesus
Right Hand of God
Clouds of Heaven
Ancient of Days
Predictions about future by Jesus
Genre of apocalyptic materials
Destruction of Temple/Destruction of Jerusalem
How early Christians understood this subject
Problem passages
"This generation"
The Great Tribulation/Jacobs Trouble
Second Coming
Rapture theories
Millennial theories
Copyright 2000-2001 - Douglas Gilliland
Last Updated 10/06/03