Biblical Principles of Giving.

  1. Give as an act of worship (1 Chr 16:19).
  2. Give where there is a need (Eph 4:28).
  3. Give where God is giving/working (John 5:17).
  4. Give materially to those who give to us spiritually (1 Cor 9:11).
  5. Give out of our abundance and even beyond our abundance (2 Cor 9:6).
  6. Give in secret (Matt 6:4).
  7. Give to establish God's covenant (Deut 8:18).
  8. Give from our hearts (2 Cor 9:7).
  9. Give to the poor (John 13:19, Matt 19:21, Luke 11:41).
  10. Give freely (Matt 10:8).
  11. Give to anyone who asks (Luke 6:30).
  12. Don't ask for anything in return for your giving (Luke 6:31).
  13. Give generously (Luke 6:38).
  14. Give knowing we will have to give an account to God (and the class) of what we did with the Stewardship (Luke 16:2).
  15. Be faithful with other people's money (Luke 16:12).
  16. More blessed to give than to get (Acts 20:35).

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