N. T. Wright on the Gospel and Justification

Anglican Bishop, N. T. Wright, writes:

By “the gospel” Paul does not mean “justification by faith.” He means the announcement that the crucified and risen Jesus is Lord. To believe this message is to give believing allegiance to Jesus as Messiah and Lord” is to be justified in the present by faith (whether or not one has even heard of justification by faith).

Wright goes on to write:

But one is not justified by faith by believing in justification by faith, but by believing in Jesus.

Wright makes a key distinction here that can easily be missed. It’s not our faith in our faith that saves us. It is our faith in Jesus. The question is one of object. Faith is the means.

This page is critical of Wright’s position on justification.

Here is a page which presents a number of Wright’s papers on various issues.






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