I do think that there is a knock down falsification argument against the most common young earth argument. Let me give it a shot on you and see what you think.
Young earthers often say that Adam was created to look a particular age, say 21 for the sake of argument. This makes sense. Further, their claim is that Adam would by appearances be that age.
If God created Adam with an appearance of age, then why not the earth?
Here is the knock down part – If God created the universe with an appearance of age, then no test could be found that would show it to be young. By each and every test it would have to be shown to be old. Otherwise, God missed something when He was “aging” the earth.
From a friend “Don S”
> There’s a cleaner way to deal with the
> “appearance of age” theory. Just put
> the carefully deleted word back into
> the title and call it by its full name:
> the “false appearance of age” theory.
> That isn’t God’s style. Most Christians
> catch on right away – when you put it
> like that.
> -Don
Good point, Don.
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