Review of Father Josiah Trenham’s “Rock and Sand” book

This is a great review of “Rock and Sand”. I’m only three chapters through the book (due to some vision problems). I took Reformation History at Fuller as well as a class on John Calvin at a secular university. I also did quite a bit of reading of Reformation History along the way so I feel like I should have known much of this. So far, I found about a third of the book to be completely new material and quite damning on the Reformation.

There seems to be a pattern of sexual immorality related to much of the Protestant Reformation. The Catholic Church had strict rules on divorce and remarriage and the Protestant Reformers gained power because they allowed divorce in cases that the Church would not have allowed.

Additionally, there was obviously a large part of the Reformation that was political in nature. 

In the end, one is left to wonder if the world would not have been better had the Reformation not happened at all.

I will likely add more commentary from the book as I read it but am less likely to do as good of a job as this reviewer did with the book.



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