Category: Calvinism

  • The Death of Total Depravity

    Idol Killer joins Tyler Fowler of Faith Unaltered to discuss why Christians do and should reject the theological concept of Total Depravity w/ special guest, Fr. John Whiteford!

  • How Calvinism Destroys the Christian Faith

    Theistic Determinism destroys God’s righteousness, human knowledge, and helps atheists justifiably reject Christian theism. We note how Theistic Determinism is not only in opposition to the Bible, but any reasonable world view and thus should be rejected. Second video: Points:

  • Refuting RC Sproul on the Atonement

    Idol Killer reviews and responds to claims RC Sproul of @ligonier made about Jesus and the Atonement.

  • Sola Fide

    “Orthodoxy abhors theological innovation and Luther did two things at the same time; he committed heresy by introducing a theological innovation and he committed schism by rejecting those who did not hold to sola fide, e.g., the early church fathers and the Orthodox Church.” “The issue here is not Pelagianism or Semi-Pelagianism.  The real issue…

  • Orthodox Apologetics Calvinism V. Arminianism


  • Cherry Picking the Fathers

    Great post on Evangelicals cherry picking of the Church Fathers: Does Theological Retrieval Work? Gavin Ortlund’s switch to the Baptist tradition based on his personal study is a good example of theology as a self-constructed project (See Ortlund 2013). Herein lies the methodological divide between Protestantism and Eastern Orthodoxy. In Orthodoxy, one receives the Faith…

  • Sufficiency of Scripture?

    Missing Books? In Saint Paul’s letter to the Corinthians (called 1 Corinthians in our Bibles), Paul refers to a previous letter. This letter is no longer existent (as far as anyone knows). 1 Corinthians 5:9 I wrote to you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people… Paul refers to a letter to…

  • Orthodoxy on Calvin and Calvinism

    The Orthodox Church produced the following document: The Confession of Patriarch Dositheos of Jerusalem (1672).  This Confession of Faith has been ratified by all of the autocephalous Churches (Jerusalem, Russia, and Georgia in 1672; Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch, and the Bulgarians under the EP at the Council of Constantinople in 1723. St. Justin Popovich and St.…

  • The Perspicuity of Scripture

    One of the more curious novelties of the Protestants is the notion of the “The Perspicuity of Scripture”.  One definition of this idea is found here: The doctrine of the clarity of Scripture (often called the “perspicuity of Scripture”) teaches that “the meanings of the text can be clear to the ordinary reader, that God uses…

  • Private Interpretation of Scripture

    Looking at this passage: 2 Peter 1:20-21 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. Protestant Understandings of this Passage Like most…

  • Sola Scriptura is Contrary to Scripture Itself

    Defining Sola Scriptura Sola scriptura (Latin for ‘by scripture alone’) is a theological doctrine held by most Protestant Christian denominations, in particular the Lutheran and Reformed traditions, that posits the Bible as the sole infallible source of authority for Christian faith and practice. The Orthodox churches consider Sola scriptura to be contrary to the phronema (Greek…

  • Review of Father Josiah Trenham’s “Rock and Sand” book

    This is a great review of “Rock and Sand”. I’m only three chapters through the book (due to some vision problems). I took Reformation History at Fuller as well as a class on John Calvin at a secular university. I also did quite a bit of reading of Reformation History along the way so I…

  • Are Icons an Accretion? A Response to Gavin Ortlund

     This is very well written. Are Icons an Accretion? A Response to Gavin Ortlund ORTHODOX CHRISTIANITY THEN AND NOW: Panegyric to Great Martyr Theodore the Tiro (St. Gregory of Nyssa) ca 396 AD

  • Protestant authors that are gateways to Orthodoxy

    The Protestant authors that are gateways to Orthodoxy are largely English Anglican authors and still preserve something of the historical church. Two good ones are NT Wright and CS Lewis.  Wright and the New Perspective of Paul (NPP) have caused a stir in the Reformed world. He’s taken on the Reformed view of justification. The…

  • Old Testament Prophecy of the Church

    There’s a prophesy of the church found in the Old Testament Malachi 1:11 For from the rising of the sun even unto the going down of the same my name shall be great among the Gentiles; and in every place incense shall be offered unto my name, and a pure offering: for my name shall be…

  • The Confession of Dositheus (1672)

    The Synod of Jerusalem of 1672 soundly rejected any further attempts at reformulation of Orthodox teachings and strengthened Orthodox beliefs against both the Protestant Reformation and Catholicism. The Synod produced its own confession, The Confession of Dositheus (Patriarch of Jerusalem), in which point by point it refuted Cyril’s’ eighteen points.Orthodoxy’s Official Response to Calvinism —…

  • Orthodox Apologist Responds to Tony Costa’s Critique of Eastern Orthodox Theology

    Orthodox Apologist Perry Robinson has a five hour response to Reformed Baptist Tony Costa’s critique of Eastern Orthodox Theology. (Perry on Ancient Faith Today podcast with Kevin Allen).

  • Cal the Robot

  • More Calvinism

  • Calvinist mumbo jumbo

  • Lutherans, Homosexuals, Minnesota and a Calvinist Prophet

    John Piper has stated in his BLOG that the tornados that struck the Twin Cities were God’s judgment on the Lutheran body meeting to decide the place of homosexuals in the ordained ministry in the ELCA church. The secular press has picked up the story.

  • Critiques of Wright

    I was asked about the following paper: The question was “What do I think about this paper?” Well, since you asked, here’s my 2c worth… The good part is that the author of this paper has the core point of Wright correct. That’s not always the case with Wright’s critics. The central point is…

  • From the Mailbox…

    I am no longer comfortable with calling myself a Theonomist. Wright comments that Saunder’s correctly understands that the New Perspective has at least one commonality with the Reformed tradition in that “it sees the Jewish Law as a good thing now fulfilled, rather than (as in much Lutheran thought) a bad thing now abolished.” As…

  • Christians and the Law

    I have been a Christian for a over 25 years and have struggled in one way or another with one question above all other questions during my years. The question centers around the relationship of the Christian and the Law. Where the problem comes in is with the seemingly irreconcilable passages where Christ and Paul…