Category: Ethics

  • Southern Baptists and Homeschooling

    In yet another front of the raging culture wars, the Southern Baptist Convention has a proposal that its members withdraw their children from public schooling. If this clears the Resolution Committee, this would take the form of a resolution to the Convention. Home school or private Christian schooling is given as the means of education…

  • History and Future of Education

    Gary North has an interesting article (from 2001) on the history and future of education. North’s tracks three stages of economic theory which he applies to education. These are: oligarchic/autarchic, the democratic, and the individualistic stages. In the oligarchic stage only the children of the rich afford an education. In the democractic stage, the rich…

  • N. T. Wright on Various Social Issues

    N. T. Wright is the Anglican ishop of Durham, England. Wright was interviewed by the National Catholic Reporter on various social issues including ordination of homosexuals, abortion on demand, ordination of women, and the current international crisis in the Anglican Church caused by the ordination of a homosexual priest. Wright even weighs in on the…

  • Stanley Hauerwas

    Interesting blog on Hauerwas and the Bible Gestapo. After reading Hauerwas in seminary and in the process acquiring a critical dislike for the contents of his writing, this critique comes as a breath of fresh air. The inconsistencies of Hauerwas are equally invisible to his disciples and obvious to his critics. Hauerwas is an advocate…

  • Unilateral or Bilateral Forgiveness

    Is forgiveness contingent upon repentance? If God forgives based on repentance, should we also forgive based on repentance? Or should we forgive even where the other person refuses to repent? On first thought, the idea that we need to always forgive regardless of whether the other person repents seems right but does it stand up…