Category: Saints
Saints – 2025-02-18
Leo the Great, Pope of Rome Saint Leo I the Great, Pope of Rome (440-461), received a fine and diverse education, which opened for him the possibility of an excellent worldly career. He yearned for the spiritual life, however, and so he chose the path of becoming an archdeacon under holy Pope Sixtus III (432-440),…
Saints – 2025-02-17
Theodore the Tyro, Great Martyr The Holy Great Martyr Theodore the Recruit1 was a soldier in the city of Amáseia in Pontus (Asia Minor) on the coast of the Euxine (Black) Sea, under the command of the Praepositus (regimental commander) Brincus. Saint Theodore was ordered to offer sacrifice to idols, but he proclaimed his faith…
Saints – 2025-02-12
Meletius, Archbishop of Antioch Saint Meletius, Archbishop of Antioch, was Bishop of Sebaste in Armenia (ca. 357), and afterwards he was summoned to Antioch by the emperor Constantius to help combat the Arian heresy, and was appointed to that See. Saint Meletius struggled zealously against the Arian error, but through the intrigues of the heretics…
Saints – 2025-02-11
Blaise the Hieromartyr of Sebastia The Hieromartyr Blaise (Blasius), Bishop of Sebaste, was known for his righteous and devout life. Unanimously chosen by the people, he was consecrated Bishop of Sebaste. This occurred during the reign of the Roman emperors Diocletian (284-305) and Licinius (307-324), fierce persecutors of Christians. Saint Blaise encouraged his flock, visited…
Saints – 2025-02-08
Theodore the Commander & Great Martyr The Great Martyr Theodore Stratelates came from the city of Euchaita in Asia Minor. He was endowed with many talents, and was handsome in appearance. For his charity God enlightened him with the knowledge of Christian truth. The bravery of the saintly soldier was revealed after he, with the…
Saints – 2025-02-07
Parthenius, Bishop of Lampsacus In 325, during the reign of Constantine the Great, Archbishop Achilles of Kyzikos appointed him as Bishop of Lampsakos (in Asia Minor). Many pagans lived in the city, and the Hierarch was diligent in spreading the faith in Christ, and confirming it with many miracles and healings of the sick, according…
Saints – 2025-01-04
Isidore of Pelusium Saint Isidore of Pelusium lived during the fourth-fifth centuries. He was a native of Alexandria, and was raised among pious Christians. He was a relative of Theophilus, Archbishop of Alexandria, and of his successor, Saint Cyril (January 18). While still a youth he quit the world and withdrew to Egypt to Mount…
Saints – 2025-02-03
Afterfeast of the Presentation of Our Lord and Savior in the Temple On this first day of the Afterfeast of the Meeting of the Lord, the Church commemorates the righteous Simeon and Anna the prophetess. The following words are ascribed to Christ in Ode 9 of the Canon: “I am not held by the Elder;…
Saints – 2025-02-02
The Presentation of Our Lord and Savior in the Temple Luke 2:2-39 And when the days of her purification according to the law of Moses were accomplished, they brought him to Jerusalem, to present him to the Lord; (As it is written in the law of the Lord, Every male that openeth the womb shall…
Saints – 2025-02-01
Trypho the Martyr The Martyr Tryphon was born in Phrygia, one of the districts of Asia Minor, in the village of Lampsacus. From his early years the Lord granted him the power to cast out demons and to heal various maladies. He once saved the inhabitants of his native city from starvation. Saint Tryphon, by…
Saints – 2025-01-31
Cyrus & John the Unmercenaries, Holy Women Martyrs Theodote, Theoktiste and Eudoxia Saint Cyrus was a noted physician in the city of Alexandria, where he had been born and raised. He was a Christian and he treated the sick without charge, not only curing their bodily afflictions, but also healing their spiritual infirmities. He would…
Saints – 2025-01-30
Synaxis of The Three Hierarchs: Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, & John Chrysostom Synaxis of the Three Hierarchs: Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom: During the eleventh century, disputes raged in Constantinople about which of the three hierarchs was the greatest. Some preferred Saint Basil (January 1), others honored Saint Gregory…
Saints – 2025-01-29
Ignatius and Nicandrus of Sinai Laurence the Recluse of the Kiev Caves Saint Laurence, Hermit of the Caves and Bishop of Turov, in the Near Caves at first lived as a hermit at the monastery of the Great Martyr Demetrius, built by Great Prince Izyaslav at Kiev near the Monastery of the Caves. Later, he…
Saints – 2025-01-28
Ephraim the Syrian Saint Ephraim the Syrian, a teacher of repentance, was born at the beginning of the fourth century in the city of Nisibis (Mesopotamia) into the family of impoverished toilers of the soil. His parents raised their son in piety, but from his childhood he was known for his quick temper and impetuous…
Saints – 2025-01-27
Peter the Righteous of Egypt ca 300 AD The tenth-century historian Severus of Ashmumeen gives us an account of how during the Diocletianic Persecution the Patriarch was seized and thrown in prison. When the emperor was informed about this, he ordered Peter to be beheaded. This was hindered by a large number of Christians who…
Saints – 2025-01-26
Xenophon & his Companions Saint Xenophon, his wife Maria, and their sons Arcadius and John, were noted citizens of Constantinople and lived in the fifth century. Despite their riches and position, they distinguished themselves by their simplicity of soul and goodness of heart. Wishing to give their sons John and Arcadius a more complete education,…
Saints – 2025-01-25
Gregory the Theologian, Archbishop of Constantinople Saint Gregory the Theologian, Archbishop of Constantinople, a great Father and teacher of the Church, was born into a Christian family of eminent lineage in the year 329, at Arianzos (not far from the city of Cappadocian Nazianzos). Saint Gregory spent six years in Athens studying rhetoric, poetry, geometry,…
Saints – 2025-01-24
Venerable Xenia of Rome, and her two female servants Saint Xenia of Rome, in the world Eusebia, was the only daughter of an eminent Roman senator. From her youth she loved God, and wished to avoid the marriage arranged for her. She secretly left her parental home with two servants devoted to her, and set…
Saints – 2025-01-22
Timothy the Apostle of the 70 The Holy Apostle Timothy was from the Lycaonian city of Lystra in Asia Minor. Saint Timothy was converted to Christ in the year 52 by the holy Apostle Paul (June 29). When the Apostles Paul and Barnabas first visited the cities of Lycaonia, Saint Paul healed one crippled from…
Saints – 2025-01-23
Hieromartyr Clement Bishop of Ancyra and Agathangelus the Martyr The Hieromartyr Clement was born in the Galatian city of Ancyra in the year 258, of a pagan father and a Christian mother. Saint Clement was made a reader, and later a deacon. When he was eighteen he was ordained to the holy priesthood, and at…
Saints – 2025-01-21
Maximus the Confessor Saint Maximus the Confessor was born in Constantinople around 580. Saint Maximus soon realized that the emperor and many others had been corrupted by the Monothelite heresy, which was spreading rapidly through the East. In 638, the emperor Heraclius and Patriarch Sergius tried to minimize the importance of differences in belief, and…
Mysteries of the Jesus Prayer
The Way of a Pilgrim The 19th century Russian spiritual classic on prayer, The Way of a Pilgrim, and its sequel, The Pilgrim Continues His Way, have long fascinated those who have stumbled on this winsome tale. First published in Russian in 1884 under the title, Candid Narratives of a Pilgrim to His Spiritual Father,…
Saints – 2025-01-19
Macarius the Great of Egypt Saint Macarius the Great of Egypt was born in the early fourth century in the village of Ptinapor in Egypt. Saint Macarius repelled the attacks of the devil, defending himself with prayer and the Sign of the Cross. Once, while he was praying, Saint Macarius heard a voice: “Macarius, you…
Saints of the Day – 2025-01-18
Athanasios and Cyril Patriarchs of Alexandria Saints Athanasius and Cyril were Archbishops of Alexandria. These wise teachers of truth and defenders of Christ’s Church share a joint Feast in recognition of their dogmatic writings which affirm the truth of the Orthodox Faith, correctly interpret the Holy Scripture, and censure the delusions of the heretics. OCA…