Category: theotokos
The Perpetual Virginity of Mary
First, why I used to disbelieve in the perpetual virginity of Mary: I wrote a paper in 1997 while at seminary on it where I concluded that it was based on the Protoevangelium of James (ca 150 AD). Origen, if read in particular way, it led me to conclude that. Closer examination of Origin led…
A Virgin Shall Conceive
In the KJV: Isaiah 7:14 Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. Hebrew word translated “virgin”. Note on ‘almâ: “There is no instance where it can be proved that ‘almâ designates a young woman who is not a…
Dedicated Virgin in the Old Testament
The daughter of Jephthah the Gileadite was a sort-of dedicated virgin in the Old Testament. There are parallels to this story and the Theotokos. Judges 11:34-40 And Jephthah came to Mizpeh unto his house, and, behold, his daughter came out to meet him with timbrels and with dances: and she was his only child; beside…
The Theotokos in Psalm 5
Using Reading the Nativity Psalms to understand Psalm 5. Psalm 5:1 [For the end, a Psalm of David, concerning her that inherits.] 2 Hearken to my words, O Lord, attend to my cry. 3 Attend to the voice of my supplication, my King, and my God: for to thee, O Lord, will I pray. 4…
Hidden History of Early Christian Art
PV of the BVM
For those with access to theological libraries, or who can get the document through the Theological Research Exchange Network, the thesis that I found was by William Essey and is dated March 1973. The title is “Mariology in the Fathers: Apostolic Era through Byzantine Synthesis”. In the paper the author notes the influence of the…
Children not named after father
One of the arguments in favor of the children being cousins is the claim that the Jews did not name their children after the father (see note 62 referring point). However, the following shows that is not true: Luk 1:59 And it came to pass, that on the eighth day they came to circumcise the…
Perpetual Virginity of Mary
Here’s a link to a goarch article on the Ever-Virginity of Mary. Here’s their comments on the historical question: Indeed, to suggest (a) that the tradition about her perpetual virginity could have been introduced after apostolic times, (b) that this tradition would have gone little noticed by a Church in the throes of questioning everything…
Word for cousin/kin
In this passage, the mother and brothers of Jesus come to see Him: Mar 3:31-35 There came then his brethren and his mother, and, standing without, sent unto him, calling him. And the multitude sat about him, and they said unto him, Behold, thy mother and thy brethren without seek for thee. And he answered…
Talk about Mary – Part 1
Piece of an Orthodox and Evangelical conversation about Mary.
Perpetual Virginity of Mary
The claim has been made by some Orthodox that: For about 1,600 years the entire Church affirmed the ever-virginity of Mary. The notion that she did not remain a virgin was introduced by the Anabaptists and some Calvinists long after the Reformation was an established reality. I don’t believe that is historically accurate. The teaching…
Experiencing Experiencing God
Who Am I? I am a pastor of a small church in the upper midwest USA. We have a group of ladies that went through the Experiencing God materials this past summer and asked me to teach it at our Wednesday Night Prayer/Bible Study Meetings. Thus, I am facilitating a group of about sixteen people…